Strong 4 Life

Strong 4 LIfe Challenge ia a school-based program that teaches elementary school children about the importance of physical activity and healthy eating, while energizing the entire school community around the Strong4Life 4 Healthy Habits: make half your plate fruits and vegetables; limit your screen time to less than 60 minutes per day; drink more water and fewer sugary beverages; and be active for at least 60 minutes everyday.  

Cost: our school has been selected by the district to receive this program with no cost!

Healthy Choices for Healthy Kids

Make half your plate fruits and veggies

Try to include a variety of colors

Make breakfast a priority

Eat meals as a family

Be Active for 60 Minutes

Aim for 60 minutes of activity throught the day

Take a family walk around the neighborhood

Take the stairs, play sports, dance, play tag . . . the choice is yours, just have fun!

Drink more water and less sugary drinks

Carry a water bottle with you

Drink water or 1% milk at meal and snack

Choose water at sports activities and play time

Limit Screen time to one hour of recreation time

After 30 minutes of screen time, get 30 minutes of activity

Turn the TV and video games off and be active

Jump Start Healthy Habits at Home

Get the Entire Family on Board - No matter what health goal you set for your family, keep in mind positive changes benefit all family members.  It takes the support of all family members to be successful.

Be a Role Model for Health at Home - Make healthy habits a priority in your family.  Nobody's perfect, but try to make healthy choices when you can.

Take One positive Step at a Time - The most effective way to incorporate a lifestyle change with your family is to focus your efforts on one positive step at a time, instead of trying to tackle everything at once.

Ask for Help - Many resources are available to help you make positive steps in the right direction.  Start by visiting, where you'll find tips to use right away.

Ready, Set, Go! - Ready to set your first goal?  Talk about goals with your family.  Choose a goal that works for all family members - then, go for it!  Post a reminder of the goal on the refrigerator.